ABonAir’s Wireless Video System was used by SRG for the live broadcast of the reception for President Macron’s state visit to Switzerland and the elections of the Federal Councils of Switzerland
27 December 2023 | Hanita Rosenthal ABonAir
ABonAir announced today that its state-of-the-art AB612 wireless video system was deployed for the coverage of French President’s Emmanuel Macron visit in Bern, Switzerland, and the elections of the Federal Councils of Switzerland earlier this month.
This historical visit by a French president (the last visit of a French president took place in 2016) was largely covered by the Swiss media. In Bern, President Macron visited the Swiss Parliament. The TV coverage of SRG (Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen / the Swiss Radio and TV channel) was mainly wireless and the TV channel was able to cover every angle and aspect of this visit thanks to ABonAir’s AB612 system that was deployed in a multi-zone configuration with several FCE’s (Fiber Coverage Extenders), and antennas installed in the Parliament building, enabling Seamless roaming from one coverage zone to another without losing a pixel. At the elections of the Federal Councils of Switzerland the system was used to cover the complete National hall, the walks and the vote-counting.
The system was advised and sold by the Swiss channel partner Videolink AG. “I’m happy about the system. It performed very well during the live broadcast, which took more than 7hrs at the elections. The Setup was fast, and the extension with FCEs makes it very flexible. The system is easy to use and the reception was very good” said Thomas Probst, Senior Broadcast Engineer for SRG. ”We will definitely use it again for further live coverage of events in Switzerland, and extend it” he added. ”Also, we like the communication with R&D of ABonAir, who take care of our wishes and reports.”